Write what you want to write…not what people want to read

Tiffany Lynne
3 min readMay 23, 2024

My entire life I have held back from doing what I’ve really wanted to do out of fear of disappointing the masses.

Letting people down is obviously something most of us don’t like to do. But the people pleasing mentality is almost catastrophic! We wake up and we have these needs, these fundamental wants and desires. And then somehow, we throw them away because we fear what others think of us.

I will give you an example and a very basic one to be honest!

Waiting for the right “inspirational topic“ to scribe about. I’ve been a Medium writer

for almost 4 years, recently eclipsing 90 followers.

I’ve read tons and tons of articles, shared a plethora of claps and comments… However, I still, even with the anonymity of this platform, struggle with writing what I really want to write.

Why…why do I struggle?

Because in all reality, we all do. We can pretend that we’re 100% satisfied and 100% happy 100% of the time, or we can actually be real.

Life. Is. Not. Easy.

There’s the days that we jump out of bed, embracing what’s ahead! And then there are other days…

We have all had these days, whether we are courageous enough to admit it; where we linger in bed, dreading the outside world. Hoping (secretly) that they’ll be some kind of situation where the world can just pause, and we can revel and be quiet our spirit.

Writing for me is a release.

A thoughtful reflection of the things that go on between my ears. Mindless endless pointless and often monotonous thoughts, maybe?

But, one quick flip of the script, and my mindless endless pointless and monotonous thoughts procure a winning combination to an amazing thoughtful writing piece.

When I was in high school, I was popular in the sense that they knew they could come to me (they meaning “The Cool Kids”) and offer me 50 bucks to write a paper for them.

I loved to write and why not make some money while I’m at it? I mean, it seemed like an absolute win-win!

But I will remember the very first time I did actually write a paper for somebody. And we met in the hallway before class, and who knows if they even gave me the money because at that point… I shakily handed over something that I had poured my heart out into…

And with a quick grasp, that “cool kid“ walked away with that binder of carefully typed papers. I knew I had a passion for writing and expression, however, but, back then (late 80’s) all was very topic focused and restrictive.

Well, I will finish my thoughts and share with you.

I’ve been writing forever. Journals collecting dust, and scribbled poetry stanzas a mile long.

When you pen a word…when you express a thought, remember, it is relevant!

Don’t wait for a firework of an inspiration or a life tragedy to provoke writing…

Write what you feel when you feel it and just keep going.



Tiffany Lynne

I write in my mind a million novels daily. Passionate, ambitious and humble would be three words to describe me!