When your someday becomes your now

Tiffany Lynne
2 min readMay 8, 2024

It’s so easy to procrastinate…push off chores…errands…

Then your innermost thoughts and dreams get forgotten or absorbed into the daily-ness of our mundane days.

Going through the obligatory motions and being all you can be to all people… and in the back of your head is the word “someday”.

Someday I will find the connection that stops me in my tracks.

Someday I will have the courage to put it all on the line and audition my dreams in front of the world.

Someday I will be fulfilled and content in my spirit.

Well, I’ve recently become acutely aware that my someday may be now.

I am a force to be reckoned with. I eek a spirit of hope, generosity, and a brightness that few in this world recognize.

A sudden and swift awareness of who I can become has fallen upon me in these times.

And shall I wait? Shall I hold my shine in until someone else shines brighter?

“Maybe someday we will live our lives out loud” — Rob Thomas

Am I truly going to trust tomorrow to give me the same chance to leap as I have been given today?

I’ve been sleeping for what seemingly feels like a decade.

Sleeping on chances.

Sleeping on risks.

Sleeping on dormant dreams that literally have nearly been drowned out by the doubts and fears resulting from my residual heartache and life’s difficult journeys.

Sunshine on my face, music filtering throughout my soul and breathtaking minutes of consciousness of where I am in this existence have awoken and sparked a fire once dimmed by apprehension and anxiety, now ignited by knowledge and desire for so much more.

Truly look around. Absorb everything you can.

Take the time to acknowledge your needs, your goals, your passions and your God given abilities. And know that your someday may actually be now.



Tiffany Lynne

I write in my mind a million novels daily. Passionate, ambitious and humble would be three words to describe me!