Get out of bed.

Tiffany Lynne
3 min readJun 19, 2024

How easy it is to linger in the safety of your cool sheets and soft blankets in a curtain-darkened room?

How easy is it to ignore what inherently pains you, to sleep through life’s ongoing struggles…to just repeatedly breathe in and out, eyes slammed closed, and your steady heartbeat the only movement?

It’s actually not that easy.

You will stir, then turn over, open your eyes, and possibly shutter at the idea of your feet hitting the floor.

What used to be a place of respite has become a place of turmoil…well, at least for me, it has.

Someone like myself who is go-go-go, ridiculous high energy, and always producing doesn’t look at bed as a retreat but as a rest stop.

But when life hits you square in the face, without warning, without any type of emotional preparation, it doesn’t matter if you’re at the top of your game; those cool sheets and soft blankets become your new armor.



Tiffany Lynne

I write in my mind a million novels daily. Passionate, ambitious and humble would be three words to describe me!