Do we ever truly get over someone?

Tiffany Lynne
2 min readMar 25, 2024

No. We don’t.

That’s just a straight up fact. There are pieces of me walking around in men that I have fiercely loved, sorta liked, and even just short “stints” dare I say…one and dones…

Reality is, someone draws us in and we attempt to connect at different levels, whether it’s physical (usually the easiest but can be damaging), emotional, or the most damaging (in my humble opinion)…intellectual. You connect in an inexplicable way, nearly immediately. You laugh at the same jokes, pay attention to the same things, understand and discuss different topics at an intense, almost addictive, level. Each moment without this person feels like an eternity, and you look for ways to connect more and more.

And then something happens and the connection becomes frayed, like a badly wired lamp. It’s like fear of a true connection and the exposure of one’s true self takes over. It may take years for the connection to finally and ultimately fail, and you separate…lingering on the early moments…clinging to them in a desperate attempt to regain the “high”.

I’ve had many relationships in my life, and some more intrusive and painful than others. However, they all tend to reside throughout the corners of my mind. A song, a word, even a smell may activate that memory and for just a moment, I will recall the lovelies. My mind will give them a brief hug, and I will revel in it until I can no longer.



Tiffany Lynne

I write in my mind a million novels daily. Passionate, ambitious and humble would be three words to describe me!