Being messy is ok.

Tiffany Lynne
2 min readApr 28, 2024

I am calling you out right now. If you think for a damn minute that you’re all “buttoned up, tidy and neat”, I got a helluva reality check for you.

You’re not.

Maybe you get up when your alarm clock first goes off…no snooze here! You drink your perfect coffee, catch up on the latest perfect posts, and get ready to lead a perfect, stress free “I’m frigging amazing” kind of day. Your ride to work is a breeze, not one problem crosses your desk, all of your bills are paid (in advance of course), and you have zero cravings for something not-so-healthy to eat…just sheer and tidy perfection.

And then, you look in the mirror…look into (not at) your eyes, and you see the pain, the sadness, the loss of hope…and the desperation you are hiding from the world.

You’re messy.

You’re pretending.

You’re broken.

You’re hiding yourself from the world in absolute and utter fear of rejection, disappointment, and the very worst…of not being loved.

I’m fifty. I’m a single mom. I’m a workaholic. I drink too much, curse way too often and lose sleep over things I can do nothing about.

I’m messy.

But (yes there is a but!):

I’m loyal.

I’m honest.

I’m authentic.

I’m vulnerable.

I used to think being messy was the absolute worse thing to be. I cringed hearing the word.

But unlike a stubborn junk drawer or jammed closet, cleaning up and organizing “our” messy is very challenging.

It starts with one single forward-moving choice.

To do better than you did yesterday.

Remember that. If there is ONE thing you can do today, this very moment, is do one thing better than you did prior to this very second.

There is no rewind or redo button to press in life; but there is repair and restore and re-love who you are, one minute at a time.



Tiffany Lynne

I write in my mind a million novels daily. Passionate, ambitious and humble would be three words to describe me!