Is being an empath in a selfish world possible?

Tiffany Lynne
3 min readMay 12, 2024

Many years ago, I was bestowed the gift of empathy after literally praying for it. Recently emerging from a soul-wrenching divorce with my children’s father, I had been told by a “friend” that it had been all about me for awhile and she “needed a break from being a friend”. At the time, I was crushed, but many years later, I realize she was selfish and self-minded and hurtful. I have forgiven but have not forgotten how that felt. To be left at my most broken and most vulnerable moment because MY pain was too much for someone else was an absolute blow to my self worth and confidence.

I felt abandoned.

I have been navigating this life as an empath for close to 20 years. It began with a very simple yet profound instance…I was sitting at a red light and there was a woman sitting on a bench, seemingly waiting for a bus. This feeling of sadness and desperation suddenly came over me and as I peered over at her again, I saw that she was crying and clinging to a small bag on her lap.

The light changed green, and a brief blast of a car horn got me to push on the gas pedal and proceed. I will never forget that moment.



Tiffany Lynne

I write in my mind a million novels daily. Passionate, ambitious and humble would be three words to describe me!